I offer person-centred supervision for counsellors and psychotherapists, as well as other people across the helping professions, to support their ongoing practice.
I also provide supervision for anyone requiring a space for reflective practice on their work, clients, professional and personal development.
Supervision is a collaborative process and provides a confidential, boundaried and safe space for:
- Reflective practice;
- Developing congruence and self-awareness;
- Compassionate self-enquiry;
- To experience being empathically listened to;
- Maintaining professionalism and ethical practice;
- Professional and personal development;
- Reframing challenges faced as opportunities for growth and change;
- A wider perceptive – having someone hold the bigger picture without minimising your own personal experience;
- Promoting self-care;
- The integration of all the experiences of being a practitioner.
What do I bring to the relationship?
- I have 20 years’ experience as a practicing counsellor and psychotherapist. My practice includes working with individuals, couples, short- and long-term work, and EAP work.
- My style is grounded in the humanistic modalities, in particular the person-centred approach but is greatly influenced by everything I have learned, experienced and continue to explore. I’m a curious, perpetual student, seeking to understand and help people in the fullness of their life experience – physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual.
- I have had over 20 years’ experience in the business world of which many of them included the management and development of people, teaching, mentoring and support.
- I have built up a private practice and have over 10 years’ experience running a small business, navigating the ups and downs, successes and failures that this entails.